Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Five Ks

The Five Ks, or Panj kakaar, are five items of faith that  Khalsa Sikhs wear at all times at the command of the tenth Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh who so ordered at the Baisakhi Amrit Sanchar in 1699.

The Khalsa Sikhs who don all the Five Ks are known as Amritdhari.
These five Ks are :

1. Kesh: -  Uncut hair on any part of the body for men and women is mandatory and can be considered the most important "K"

2. Kanga:- Wooden comb for hygiene and maintenance of the Kesh.

3. Kara: - (An Iron bracelet) Physical reminder that a Sikh is bound to the Guru.

4. Kachera: - (Specially designed cotton underwear) Naturally comfortable and dignified attire reflective of modesty and high moral character.

5. Kirpan: - (Strapped sword) Worn to defend one's faith and protect the weak, reminding one of his or her duty as a Khalsa. It is worn to show bravery, not a mere weapon.

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