Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Lifestyle of a Sikh

Sikh Gurus themselves lived a family and a social life and showed everyone  can be close to the God while living a family life and by doing hard work to meet the both ends. The lifestyle of Sikhs is different from others.

1. Meditation: - A Sikh is always engage in a daily practice of meditation by reciting and chanting the name of God. Daily meditation is also good for the health and keeps a Sikh focused in life.

2. Honest Lifestyle: - to live honestly and earn by physical and mental effort while accepting God's blessings.

3. Sharing: - The Sikhs are asked to share their wealth in the community and outside by practicing charity.

4. Selfless Service: - It is the duty of every Sikh to do selfless service whenever it is possible. A Sikh can do it as a volunteer at every Gurudwara, and other places.

5. Five Vices: -  A Sikh is asked to overcome the five vices of anger, greed, lust, ego and emotional attachment.

6. Alcohol and drugs: - Alcohol and drugs are prohibited in the Sikh religion.

7. Food : -  Only pure vegetarian food is allowed to eat and it should be simple. 

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