Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dastaar-Sikh Turban

Turban is an inseparable part of a Sikh's Life. Since Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of Sikhism, wearing the turban, all Sikhs are wearing the turban. Turban means a head covering worn by men and women too, made up of a cloth wrapped around the head. The tying of a turban and keeping unshorn long hairs gave the Sikhs a unique and easily recognizable identity all over the world.

Guru Gobind Singh. In 1699, he called all Sikhs together and formalized a standard identity. He gave Sikhs five articles of faith, including kesh (uncut hair), meant for women and men equally. Men traditionally wrapped their long hair in turbans. Some women wear turbans too, but most simply cover their heads with headscarves when praying. Guru Gobind Singh requested all Sikhs to drop their surnames (a marker of social status), and instead, embrace a shared surname: all women adopted the last name "Kaur" and men took the last name "Singh."

Ten Gurus

The era of ten Gurus of Sikhism span from 1469 to 1708. The 10th Guru Gobind Singh Ji granted his title of Guru to the Sikh Holy Book, Guru Garanth Sahib Ji- present time Guru.
Ten Gurus of Sikhism are :

1. Guru Nanak Dev Ji - 1469 to 1539

2. Guru Angad Dev Ji - 1539 to 1552

3. Guru Amar Das ji - 1552 to 1574

4. Guru Ram Das Ji - 1574 to 1581

5. Guru Arjun Dev Ji -  1581 to 1606

6. Guru Har Gobind Ji - 1606 to 1644

7. Guru Har Rai Ji - 1644 to 1681

8. Guru Har Krishan Ji - 1661 to 1664

9. Guru Teg Bahadur Ji - 1665 to 1675

10. Guru Gobind Singh Ji -  1675 to 1708

The Five Ks

The Five Ks, or Panj kakaar, are five items of faith that  Khalsa Sikhs wear at all times at the command of the tenth Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh who so ordered at the Baisakhi Amrit Sanchar in 1699.

The Khalsa Sikhs who don all the Five Ks are known as Amritdhari.
These five Ks are :

1. Kesh: -  Uncut hair on any part of the body for men and women is mandatory and can be considered the most important "K"

2. Kanga:- Wooden comb for hygiene and maintenance of the Kesh.

3. Kara: - (An Iron bracelet) Physical reminder that a Sikh is bound to the Guru.

4. Kachera: - (Specially designed cotton underwear) Naturally comfortable and dignified attire reflective of modesty and high moral character.

5. Kirpan: - (Strapped sword) Worn to defend one's faith and protect the weak, reminding one of his or her duty as a Khalsa. It is worn to show bravery, not a mere weapon.

Purpose of life in Sikhism

Purpose of Life explained with the guidance of our everlasting Guru, Sri Guru Garanth Sahib Ji.
Guru Ji's bani shows us the way. The way is the path. The path is that of love. The love for True Guru who is within us. The True Guru lightens the path in this world of darkness.

According to Sikh philosophy, human beings should free themselves from the cycle of reincarnation (births and deaths) by embracing God-centeredness. In Sikhism, God is known as Truth. With this in mind, a human being who embraces God-centeredness is living a life devoted to the fulfillment of Truth. 

Lifestyle of a Sikh

Sikh Gurus themselves lived a family and a social life and showed everyone  can be close to the God while living a family life and by doing hard work to meet the both ends. The lifestyle of Sikhs is different from others.

1. Meditation: - A Sikh is always engage in a daily practice of meditation by reciting and chanting the name of God. Daily meditation is also good for the health and keeps a Sikh focused in life.

2. Honest Lifestyle: - to live honestly and earn by physical and mental effort while accepting God's blessings.

3. Sharing: - The Sikhs are asked to share their wealth in the community and outside by practicing charity.

4. Selfless Service: - It is the duty of every Sikh to do selfless service whenever it is possible. A Sikh can do it as a volunteer at every Gurudwara, and other places.

5. Five Vices: -  A Sikh is asked to overcome the five vices of anger, greed, lust, ego and emotional attachment.

6. Alcohol and drugs: - Alcohol and drugs are prohibited in the Sikh religion.

7. Food : -  Only pure vegetarian food is allowed to eat and it should be simple. 

The founder

Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born in in a village called Talvandi, now in Pakistan. In the 16th century, the rulers of the region were Muslims. and the rest of the population practiced some form of Hindu religion. The religion Guru Nanak founded was completely distinct from these two. Sikh religion refers to the deity of which is "Kartar" the Creator." Kartar looks over the world he created, and humans have a unique opportunity in this life to enjoy and care for that world.
Guru refers to the teacher. Guru Nanak Dev Ji's own writings and composition of his life can be found in the holy book of Sikhs. Guru Nanak's family belonged to Hindu religion and were asked Guru Nanak to follow the Hinduism practices too but Guru Nanak rejected and were against those practices. Below are some writings in which he explained his inner feeling. 

Many flavors have I tasted, many costumes have I worn.
Without my Lord my youth slips away—split from him I cry out ||
 (Guru Garanth Sahib Ji, 1015)

What is Sikhism?

Every Sikh has a story to tell and this is my experience. It is a collection of thoughts as I journey on the path of Sikhism. it's about building and developing the relationship with the Guru through personal discipline, simran and reflection on gurbani.

The Sikh religion was founded by Guru Nanak in the 15th century in the Punjab, India.  Today, this spirit can be found in the teachings of the Guru Garanth Sahib Ji, the holy book of the Sikh religion. Sikhs also reject the social barriers of caste, creed and religion and adhere to practices of equality in worship and life.

Sikhism is the youngest religion of the world religions. It is barely five hundred years old. Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism  was born in 1469. Guru Nanak spread a simple message of we are all one and we are created by the One Creator of all Creation. He aligned with no religion, and respected all religions. He expressed the reality that there is one God and the name of God is Truth "Sat Nam".